February 19, 2025

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Truly Business

Gushers and Dusters for the week ending March 26 | Business

Editor’s Note: Gushers and Dusters is compiled from reports filed by oil and gas operators with the Texas Railroad Commission in Austin.

Location reports

Recent location reports for the Advocate readership area.

Well Classification: Field Development & Horizontal

Operator: BPX Operating Company

Lease Name: Rives-Pawelek A

Field Name: Eagleville (Eagle Ford-2)

Direction and Miles: 5.75 miles NE of Karnes City

Survey Name: Hernandez, HRS A, A-4

Well Classification: Field Development & Horizontal

Operator: Burlington Resources O & G Co. LP

Field Name: Eagleville (Eagle Ford-2)

Direction and Miles: 7.5 miles NE of Ecleto

Survey Name: I&GN RR CO, A-162

Well Classification: Field Development & Horizontal

Operator: Burlington Resources O & G Co. LP

Field Name: Eagleville (Eagle Ford-2)

Direction and Miles: 7.5 miles NE of Ecleto

Survey Name: I&GN RR CO, A-162

Well Classification: Field Development & Horizontal

Field Name: Eagleville (Eagle Ford-2)

Direction and Miles: 5 miles S of Falls City

Survey Name: Seguin, D E, A-10

Well Classification: Field Development & Horizontal

Field Name: Sugarkane (Austin Chalk)

Direction and Miles: 5 miles S of Falls City

Survey Name: Seguin, D E, A-10

Well Classification: Field Development & Horizontal

Field Name: Sugarkane (Austin Chalk)

Direction and Miles: 5 miles S of Falls City

Survey Name: Seguin, D E, A-10

Refugio County

Well Classification: Field Development

Operator: Hilcorp Energy Company

Lease Name: M. F. Lambert

Field Name: Tom O’Connor (5200, East)

Direction and Miles: 9 miles NE of Refugio

Survey Name: Swisher, J M, A-396

Jackson County

Well Classification: Field Development & Directional

Operator: Hilcorp Energy Company

Lease Name: West Ranch State Oil & Gas Unit1

Field Name: West Ranch, South (Frio 5,960)

Direction and Miles: 5.8 miles SE of Vanderbilt

Survey Name: Musquiz, R, A-59

Refugio County

Well Classification: Field Development

Operator: Hilcorp Energy Company

Lease Name: Heard, Claude E. ET AL

Field Name: Tom O’Connor (5,900 SAND)

Direction and Miles: 9 miles NE of Refugio

Survey Name: Webb, T H, A-298

Well Classification: Field Development & Directional

Operator: Hilcorp Energy Company

Lease Name: Tom O’Connor (5,800 SD) FLD. Unit

Field Name: Tom O’Connor (5,800)

Direction and Miles: 8.1 miles NE of Refugio

Survey Name: Hewitson, J SR, A-35

Well Classification: Field Development & Directional

Operator: Hilcorp Energy Company

Lease Name: Tom O’Connor (5,800 SD) FLD. Unit

Field Name: Tom O’Connor (5,800)

Direction and Miles: 8.1 miles NE of Refugio

Survey Name: Hewitson, J SR, A-35

Well Classification: Field Development & Directional

Operator: Hilcorp Energy Company

Lease Name: Tom O’Connor (5,800 SD) FLD. Unit

Field Name: Tom O’Connor (5,800)

Direction and Miles: 8.1 miles NE of Refugio

Survey Name: Hewitson, J SR, A-35

Well Classification: Field Development

Lease Name: Wood River Ranch ‘B’

Direction and Miles: 2.5 miles NE of Woodsboro

Survey Name: Refugio, Town Of, A-345

Well Classification: Field Development & Horizontal

Operator: Marathon Oil EF

Lease Name: Challenger AC Unit A

Field Name: Sugarkane (Austin Chalk)

Direction and Miles: 5.6 miles NW of Karnes City

Survey Name: Seguin, D E, A-10

Well Classification: Field Development & Horizontal

Operator: Marathon Oil EF

Lease Name: Challenger AC Unit A

Field Name: Sugarkane (Austin Chalk)

Direction and Miles: 5.6 miles NW of Karnes City

Survey Name: Seguin, D E, A-10

Well Classification: Field Development & Horizontal

Operator: Marathon Oil EF

Lease Name: Challenger Unit B-A AC SA

Field Name: Sugarkane (Austin Chalk)

Direction and Miles: 5.6 miles NW of Karnes City

Survey Name: Seguin, D E, A-10

Well Classification: Field Development & Horizontal

Operator: Murphy Expl. & Prod. Co. — USA

Lease Name: Bellah Patton Wilson PSA C

Field Name: Eagleville (Eagle Ford-2)

Direction and Miles: 4 miles NE of Karnes City

Survey Name: Pate, W H, A-235

Well Classification: Field Development & Horizontal

Operator: Murphy Expl. & Prod. Co. — USA

Lease Name: Bellah Patton Wilson PSA B

Field Name: Eagleville (Eagle Ford-2)

Direction and Miles: 4 miles NE of Karnes City

Survey Name: Pate, W H, A-235

Well Classification: Field Development & Horizontal

Operator: Murphy Expl. & Prod. Co. — USA

Lease Name: Bellah Patton Wilson PSA A

Field Name: Eagleville (Eagle Ford-2)

Direction and Miles: 4 miles NE of Karnes City

Survey Name: Pate, W H, A-235

Refugio County

Well Classification: Field Development

Operator: T-C Oil Company

Lease Name: Dennis O’Connor ET AL -L-

Field Name: Lake Pasture (H-440 SAND)

Direction and Miles: 15 miles NE of Refugio

Survey Name: Sweet, H C, A-393

Well Classification: Field Development & Horizontal

Operator: Verdun Oil & Gas

Lease Name: Trench Foot Unit C

Field Name: Eagleville (Eagle Ford-2)

Direction and Miles: 13 miles W of Karnes City

Survey Name: Elliott, G, A-101

Well Classification: Field Development & Horizontal

Operator: Verdun Oil & Gas

Lease Name: Trench Foot Unit B

Field Name: Eagleville (Eagle Ford-2)

Direction and Miles: 13 miles W of Karnes City

Survey Name: Elliott, G, A-101

Well Classification: Field Development & Horizontal

Operator: Verdun Oil & Gas

Lease Name: Trench Foot Unit E

Field Name: Eagleville (Eagle Ford-2)

Direction and Miles: 13 miles W of Karnes City

Survey Name: Elliott, G, A-101

Well Classification: Field Development & Horizontal

Operator: Verdun Oil & Gas

Lease Name: Trench Foot Unit D

Field Name: Eagleville (Eagle Ford-2)

Direction and Miles: 13 miles W of Karnes City

Survey Name: Elliott, G, A-101

Oil and Gas Completion

Recent oil and gas completions for the Advocate readership area.

Well Classification: Field Development & Horizontal

Operator: Marathon Oil EF

Lease Name: Rippstein-Gotthardt Unit

Field Name: Eagleville (Eagle Ford-2)

Survey Name: Ruiz, F, A-9

Direction and Miles: 3 miles NW of Karnes City

Oil: 2,018.80 barrels per day

Gas: 574,000 cubic feet per day

Choke Size: 6/64 of an inch

Tubing Pressure: 2,520.42 psi

Perforations: 11,823–17,370 ft.

Well Classification: Field Development & Horizontal

Operator: Marathon Oil EF

Lease Name: Rippstein-Gotthardt Unit

Field Name: Eagleville (Eagle Ford-2)

Survey Name: Ruiz, F, A-9

Direction and Miles: 3 miles NW of Karnes City

Oil: 2,119.86 barrels per day

Gas: 515,000 cubic feet per day

Choke Size: 24/64 of an inch

Tubing Pressure: 3,182.63 psi

Perforations: 11,857–17,924 ft.

Well Classification: Field Development & Horizontal

Operator: Marathon Oil EF

Lease Name: S.Busselman-R.Mikkelson SA

Field Name: Eagleville (Eagle Ford-2)

Survey Name: Ruiz, F, A-9

Direction and Miles: 3 miles NW of Karnes City

Oil: 2,139.13 barrels per day

Gas: 715,000 cubic feet per day

Choke Size: 26/64 of an inch

Tubing Pressure: 2,779.50 psi

Perforations: 12,033–16,799 ft.